Planned Power Outage



affecting all customers in Waldheim and surrounding rural areas.

Please contact Sask Power at 1-888-757-6937 or email with any questions.

Outage announced on January 22 @12:55pm

Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments


RM of Laird No. 404 Public Notice – Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments

Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Laird No. 404 intends to adopt two bylaws under The Planning and Development Act, 2007; one amendment to each Bylaw No. 5-2008, known as The Official Community Plan (OCP), and Bylaw No. 6-2008, known as The Zoning Bylaw (ZB).

INTENT: The proposed OCP amendment would introduce new, and clarify existing, agricultural/rural subdivision policies. The proposed ZB amendment would principally add regulation and standards for the creation of small agricultural access parcels located in the Agricultural District (AG), and clarify Council’s intent to deem all sites existing prior enactment of the current ZB as being conforming. A number of existing content items would be  renumbered to allow for insertion of the new content, and would be otherwise unaltered.

AFFECTED LAND: All lands within the Rural policy area, and within the AG Zoning District may be affected by the proposed amendments.

REASON: Agricultural/Rural policies in the OCP are being amendment to better reflect and guide existing ZB regulation for subdivision in these areas. Council is considering new ZB regulation to allow for the creation of small agricultural access parcels which may serve as legal and physical access to lands which have limited access due to topographical or geographic constraints, and where RM development and maintenance of public roadway is undesirable. As a means to legitimize site area of parcels previously and legitimately created through subdivision prior to bylaw enactment, ZB regulation would be amended to account for these sites whereby current regulations relating to min. or max. site size would not apply to pre-existing parcels.

PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaws at the RM of Laird No. 404 office during regular office hours, excluding statutory holidays. Draft copies of the proposed bylaws are available from the RM office; hard copies at cost, and a free digital copy is available at the following web address: The RM office is located at 3025 Central Avenue, Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0.

PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on November 14, 2024 at 10:00 AM, to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaws. The deadline for receipt of written comments and requests for representation at the meeting must be received by the RM office by November 13, 2024. For additional information, please contact (306) 945-2133 or

Issued at the Town of Waldheim this 11th day of October 2024.

Pearl Bergen – Acting Administrator - RM of Laird No. 404

RM of Laird No. 404 Public Notice –Zoning Bylaw Amendment

RM of Laird No. 404 Public Notice –Zoning Bylaw Amendment


Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Laird No. 404 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007; an amendment to Bylaw No. 6-2008, known as The Zoning Bylaw (ZB).

INTENT: The proposed ZB amendment would affect regulations pertaining the permitting process for aggregate operations by: clarifying and expanding upon aggregate operation permit application requirements that relevant information pertaining to a proposed application can be properly assessed by Council; changing a potential permit length from the current maximum of 2 years to a maximum of 10 years and provide guidance for permit extension; and, creating specific site regulations for aggregate operations within the Agricultural District (AG).

AFFECTED LAND: All lands within the RM would be affected by changes to application requirements and permit length wherever an aggregate operation is an allowable land use. The AG District would be specifically affected by the introduction of site regulations. A copy of the proposed amendment is available here for public viewing:

REASON: A couple recent development permit applications for aggregate operations have been received by the RM for review. Upon review, it was determined that the ZB requirements and regulations could benefit from updates to improve clarity, provide Council with information relevant to an application review, and better accommodate the nature of, and relevant factors pertaining to, aggregate operations.

PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RM of Laird No. 404 office during regular office hours, excluding statutory holidays. Draft copy of the proposed bylaw is available from the RM office; hard copies at cost, and a free digital copy is available at web address above. The RM office is located at 3025 Central Avenue, Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0.

PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on February 9, 2024, at 10:00 AM, to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. The deadline for receipt of written comments and requests for representation at the meeting must be received by the RM office by February 8,2024. For additional information, please contact (306) 945-2133 or

Issued at the Town of Waldheim this 18th day of January 2024.
Bertha Buhler – Administrator - RM of Laird No. 404