PUBLIC NOTICE – Zoning Bylaw Amendment


RM of Laird No. 404 Public Notice –Zoning Bylaw Amendment Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Laird No. 404 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No. 6-2008, known as The Zoning Bylaw.

INTENT:The proposed bylaw would rezone from Agricultural District (AG) to Country Residential 1 District (CR1), a proposed subdivision of land to create four new country residential lots at the request of the landowner.

AFFECTED LAND:A portion (5.936 ha) of Parcel G, Plan 62S02679 within NW ¼ 16-40-05-W3M would be rezoned to the CR1 District. A map of the affected lands is available for public viewing here:

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